Why Children Should Learn to Code

Why Children Should Learn to Code

Most parents are quick to consider the artistic or athletic sides of extracurricular activities for their children, but they often forget about more academic skills such as programming. While programming was not really an option for older generations, these days, it...
The Benefits of Higher Education

The Benefits of Higher Education

They say that knowledge is power. Yet, the value of higher education is frequently up for debate. Students and potential students seem to be constantly debating whether or not it is worth their time (and money) to continue their education. Admittedly, the higher cost...
Why You Should Consider Studying Abroad

Why You Should Consider Studying Abroad

Studying abroad has been a pivotal moment in many young adults’ lives for quite some time now. Between experiencing a new culture, worldly foods and inspiring sceneries, the benefits of studying abroad are endless. For many, the idea of studying abroad is enough...