The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a new style of classroom learning: Virtual classes. During the pandemic, virtual courses have brought a slew of arguments, tears, and laughs to children and their parents. For parents attempting to help their children online, there are many challenges to cross, such as learning new technology, combating social stigma, and putting up with children’s attitudes. Here are a few suggestions for parents to help virtual classes go more smoothly this year.
Practice the Technology
Understanding the technology of logging on and accessing materials can be one of the most challenging parts of virtual classes. After figuring out the platform they’re meeting on, students and their parents need to figure out how to access assignments, quizzes, tests, and other resources. This can be a stressful process, especially if deadlines are quickly approaching. Taking time to figure out the process before the school year begins can help alleviate some stress.
Develop a System
Developing a system where students can ask for help without feeling suffocated is an excellent method to avoid conflict and arguments. If students are having difficulty getting work done before the deadline, set a schedule and stick to it. However, make sure the child realizes there will be consequences if the deadline isn’t met. Additionally, set up a way that children can ask for help appropriately. This will help parents avoid feeling responsible for each step of learning and put the responsibility in the student’s hands.
Keep Open Communication
It’s also essential to keep open communication between the parent and student. If a student feels judged or smothered, it’s less likely that they’ll ask for help next time. Keep the environment open to questions on the students’ schedule and offer them support when they need it.
Don’t Forget Time for Friends and Activity
Since virtual classes happen online, students often miss out on times for physical activity and social time. Be sure to incorporate friends and activities into the daily schedule of virtual learning. This will keep the child from feeling isolated. It can also help boost their mood and realize they are not alone when learning.